
openPicus Ideas

Page history last edited by Metwit 12 years, 7 months ago

Le vostre idee





Con Flyport potete connettere il mondo reale alla rete! Quindi date sfogo alla fantasia e buttate giu qui sotto della applicazioni che vi piacerebbe creare insieme.


Noi avremo anche le nostre applicazioni e siamo li a disposizione con hardware (flyport, espansioni, sensori, attuatori....) e supporto. Vai alla pagina Documentazione APi per scoprire cosa portiamo 





The Buck-wet (aka The Talking Umbrella Holder)

Buck-wet is the one and only umbrella bucket that warns you about upcoming bad weather. the

Hack with:Metwit + OpenPicus

Descrizione:Same as Talking umbrella, but Buck-wet does not need an app to run: it’d connected via wifi to Internet thanks to Openpicus Flyport.

Story: Mike need to take out his dog Gina for a walk. The weather is unsettled today. 5 min before he puts on his tracking shoes the bucket umbrella light up reporting a storm is coming! Mike wisely decide to pick the umbrella from the Buck-wet for his walk!

Note: Missing Metwit API “SDK for Arduino”

Note: Missing Metwit API “Simplified API”




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