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Cosa posso farci con queste benedette API meteo di Metwit?
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Tell me the weather, I’ll tell you the music!
Hack with: Metwit + Stereomood
Descrizione:In stereomood weather moods are quite popular. WeatherTune allows you to choose your play list according to the weather you are experiencing
Story:Mike (music lover) want to share his weather condition and gets back his “weather related” play list or random tracks.
The Talking Umbrella
Ask the weather to your umbrella.
Hack with: Metwit + Plugg and wear, Arduino (or something else)
Descrizione:An umbrella is always handy when it rains. The everyday dilemma when forecast are uncertain is “do I really need an umbrella”? The solution?
- An umbrella equipped with a communication module (bluetooth or else), a wetness sensor (provided by plug and wear) a LED.
- An app that can receive bad weather notification and send rain tags to Metwit when the umbrella is exposed to rain (i.e. open)
Story:Duccio reads unsettled weather on web forecast just before going out to do some errand. It does not know if it’s the case or not to bring along the umbrella. In that moment the Talking umbrella lights up and warn him that rain was spatted nearby. He can then read the exact location where it started raining on the talking umbrella app.
Story: Duccio has done his errand and is about to go to meet a Davide at the park nearby for training. He arrives first and all of the sudden rain starts at the park! He opens the umbrella and take cover while he waits. The umbrella “senses” the weather tag and send it through the talking umbrella app on his phone to the cloud. The information is then rebounded to Davide on his talking umbrella: So he decide to pick the raincoat before going out from home
Note: Missing Metwit API “SDK for Arduino”
Note: Missing Metwit API “Simplified API”
The Buck-wet (aka The Talking Umbrella Holder)
Buck-wet is the one and only umbrella bucket that warns you about upcoming bad weather. the
Hack with:Metwit + OpenPicus
Descrizione:Same as Talking umbrella, but Buck-wet does not need an app to run: it’d connected via wifi to Internet thanks to Openpicus Flyport.
Story: Mike need to take out his dog Gina for a walk. The weather is unsettled today. 5 min before he puts on his tracking shoes the bucket umbrella light up reporting a storm is coming! Mike wisely decide to pick the umbrella from the Buck-wet for his walk!
Note: Missing Metwit API “SDK for Arduino”
Note: Missing Metwit API “Simplified API”
Discover how’s the weather on your favorite climbing spots from real climbers!
Hack with:Metwit + clibervoice (craig DB in Italy)
Descrizione:For Every climber a dream is to know and be updated on the weather on climbing spots they are planning to visit. This web app / widget allows user to get update from their favorite climbing spots from peers climbers.
Story:Gianni is puzzled because he does not know whether the weather is rainy or not at rocchette crag. Roberta who lives nearby just posted a rainy tag on the climb spot. Gianni receive the update and decide to look for another climbing spot with good enough weather or go to the gym!
Same philosophy
Note: Missing Metwit API (important) “weather on a location”
Note: Missing Metwit API (important) “embed weather data from weather providers”
Metwit eXtreme
Discover what’s happening to friends during emergencies and Share eXtreme and potentially dangerous situations in your area.
Hack with:Metwit + Facebook
Descrizione:Metwit eXtreme is an Open source spin off born from Metwit during the “hackathonterremoto” in Bologna. The apps allow you to share your safety status and also (if you are safe and sound allow you to report phonomena that you have witnessed. First Api are documented here
Story:Simone lives in Modena and an earthquake just hit the area. Marco is fine and update his status on the app. His parents from Milan receive the update on the iPhone and are reassured.
Note: Missing Metwit API “I’m ok status on my Facebook friends list”
Meet new people which share your same weather. Start icebreaking with the weather!
Hack with:Metwit + Facebook
Descrizione:Weather is the perfect icebreaker in conversation. With Weather roulette you just need to input your weather shake the phone and send a “break” to a peer with the same weather.
Story:n Frankfurt Serena is bored in her house and outside is rainy. She want to talk with someone who is also under the rain. She tag her weather, she shakes the phone. Michele who is in the office under the rain in Firenze receive a push notification on his phone. Now he both of them are less bored cos they started chatting and get to know each other!
Note: missing Metwit API “sending random notification to matching weather tags”
Check In the Weather
Add metwit tags weather when you check on foursquare venues
Hack with:Metwit + Foursquare API
Descrizione:A lot of small business around the world are affected by weather. It makes difference to let others know that you are checking in at your favoirite restaurant and the weather is great to enjoy a Mojito on their patio. Inside Foursquare App after a check In user can send a weather update directly on the venue through metwit.
Story:Marco is about to start a run in PArco sempione. He checks in with foursquare app and then add the sunny icon through metwit so that he can tell his friends he is running in parco sempione with good weather.
Real weather on parks!
Hack with: Metwit + OpenData
Descrizione: A page that mashups the real weather over parks and green area to stream real weather condition, linked to hicking tracks and activities.
Hack with:
Hack with:
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